Workgroup - Self building course (wooncooperatie)


The municipality of Amsterdam presented an ambitious strategy for Wooncooperaties (Actieplan Wooncoop). It aims for 40.000 dwellings as a wooncoop in 2040, which is 10% of the total housing supply by the. To meet these goals the transition is started now. Since the initiative for Wooncoops lies within citizen organisation the transition creates pre-eminently the chance to develop in an inclusive and circular manner. However still premature, the practice so far shows that required technical knowledge to start a wooncoop is present within groups with above average high education and with predominantly professional experience in city development and (self) building processes, and/or existing relationships within municipal body’s. Groups that so far developed housing in Collective Private Opdrachtgeverschap (CPO’s) or Wooncooperaties are not a representation of the demography of the city of Amsterdam. This project aims to build enthusiasm and knowledge within communities who have the capacity to start a Wooncoop, but don’t have the experience or access to the required knowledge yet. 

Overarching goal:

Association CLT H-buurt develops a circular Wooncooperatie within Bijlmer Centrum. 

Goals of the workgroup: 

To equip a technical working group of CLT H buurt with the required capacity and knowledge to start a Wooncoop: 

  • Show participants the opportunity for development of the community in selfbuilding process and inspire them to start a Wooncoop; i.e. application kaartenbak Mun. Adam 

  • Equip self building ambassadors with required capacity to start a Wooncoop;

  • Develop a CLT selfbuilding training and a train-the-trainer program focussed on realisation of a CLT through developing a Wooncoop (i.s.m. Stichting Woon!, de Warren en New Economy).

  • Develop a FAQ based on CLT/Self-building and create a framework for an allocation policy for CLT and Wooncoop. 

  • Develop and organise training CLT; lessons from action research.

  • Accompany technical working group of selfbuilding ambassadors in process. 


  • With primary and secondary target group validated training that sets expectation, creates knowledge and accessibility to the selfbuilding process.   

  • course/tool focused on knowledge sharing and independent deployment, which is scalable.

  • Hosting of the course/tool is open source in a recognized environment i.e. offered by Stichting Woon!

Module 1 - 24th of Nov

The first module gives us insight on what is known content-wise, as is mentioned above (knowledge from CLT and what are the opportunities in the current context?).

  • It gives us a direction on how to shape the PvE / modules / learning goals. Where uncertainties exist, we can provide more information to clarify or we can take this as subjects/learning goals in upcoming sessions. 

  • It’s important to prevent that big uncertainties remain existing after the meeting. So especially the last 15 min. will be used to answer questions. 

See here the results from the baseline survey ;

Module 2 - 17th of Jan

The second module aims at developing a vision based on CLT H-Buurt association and principles of Co-operate.

  • Formulate idea/reason in relation to CLT H-neighborhood until now  

  • Reason in relations to the current developments in the Bijlmer 

    • On which target group will the Wooncoop focus? 

  • Broadening the vision of the Co-operate consortium (development of circular neighborhoods): The technical group develops a contextualised vision  (possibly 2: ponding and self building) on the proposed principles (also validation: what speaks to people and what not?)

    • For current & future generations

    • Collectively owned, open and democratic 

    • Resilient: social, ecological & financial

    • Healthy: people and planet

    • Connected & accessible

    • Inclusive & affordable

    • Regenerative by design

  • Process the vision of the goal of the wooncooperatie (to develop real estate and to exploit) What have we achieved as CLT H-buurt so far.

Results of this module;

Module 3 - Operate & maintain - 29 Apr 2021

The third module aims at developing a vision how to organise the operation and maintainence a future building & premises of wooncoop. How do we as an association organise these elements in our future woonco-op?

Learning points:

  1. As a woonco-op we are responsible for organising everything that relates to maintenance and operations of our building.

  2. In the vision document we need to describe clearly how we organize maintenance and operation. Including how members are involved in the process. 

  3. The vision document needs to cover all operation and maintenance and is judged on feasibility (Committee focuses strongly on the question: is this group able to develop and maintain a building and bring the development process to a good end)

  4. For sending the ‘Kaartenbak’ application we need to start a new association. The Woonco-operatie, with other bylaws then CLT H-Buurt. In the bylaws we create a link between CLT H and the Woonco-op for the allocation process.

After a recap of (1) the process towards a wooncoop and (2) the general vision we made in the last workshop. See presentation;

See here the recap and minutes;

Joris Kramer